Useful DevOps/Cloud/Software (CLI) Tools

I will be keeping a list of useful tools.

  • AWS CLI - Interact with AWS
  • Terraform - Infrastructure as code
  • Infracost - Cloud cost estimation (terraform)
  • Kubectl - Interact with Kubernetes
  • Helm - Package manager for Kubernetes
  • Kubeconform - Validate Kubernetes manifests
  • Kubectx - Fast K8s cluster and namespace switching
  • Krew - Kubectl plugin manager
  • K3s - Lightweight Kubernetes distribution
  • Kops - K8s Installation, Upgrades, and Management
  • Popeye - Kubernetes cluster resource sanitizer
  • Draftctl - Detect IaC draft
  • YQ - YAML parser and processor
  • JQ - JSON parser and processor
  • FZF - Easy option selection
  • DevSpace - Development on Kubernetes
  • Conftest - Write tests for configuration
  • Fetch - Fetch directories and files from git repositories
  • K6 - Load testing
  • Ecspresso - AWS ECS deployment tool
  • Terraform Cleaner - Clean up unused variables
  • AI AWS CLI - AI powered AWS CLI
Adnan Mujkanovic

Adnan Mujkanovic

Full Stack Overflow Developer / YAML Indentation Specialist / Yak Shaving Expert
Gotham City